Protect yourself from pests


Will hairspray kill a wasp [Exterminator Explains]

Will hairspray kill a wasp [Exterminator Explains]

We've all been there: a pesky wasp buzzing around, and we're desperate for a quick solution. You might have heard about using household items, like hairspray, to deal with these unwelcome guests. As a pest control specialist, I've come across numerous home remedies...

Wasps in exhaust vent [How to eliminate them]

Wasps in exhaust vent [How to eliminate them]

I've been in the pest control industry for years, and I understand the distress you might feel discovering wasps in your exhaust vent. It's not just an inconvenience; it can be a safety concern. But rest assured, you're not alone in facing this issue. In this article,...

Wasps in basement [How to get rid of them]

Wasps in basement [How to get rid of them]

I know how unsettling it can be to discover wasps in your basement. As a pest control specialist, I've encountered numerous cases just like yours. Wasps can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose real threats. In this article, I'll guide you through understanding...


Baby roaches on counter [3 ways to get rid of them]

Baby roaches on counter [3 ways to get rid of them]

As a pest control specialist, I understand how disturbing it can be to spot baby roaches on your kitchen counter. It's a clear indication of an infestation brewing behind the scenes. These tiny creatures not only pose a risk to your food supplies but also carry a...

Baby Roaches in the Tub [ 2 Solutions]

Baby Roaches in the Tub [ 2 Solutions]

Spotting baby roaches in your tub isn't a pleasant sight.I'm sure you already know that they don't only carry disease and bacteria but can reproduce quickly and spread to other parts of your home. In this article, I've detailed everything you need to know about the...

Baby Roaches In The Shower [2 Simple Solutions]

Baby Roaches In The Shower [2 Simple Solutions]

If you've seen one baby roach in your shower, then I'm quite certain there will be others lurking nearby, waiting for the right opportunity to come out and look for food. You must act fast and get rid of them. Here why! Baby cockroaches forage for food and water, they...

Stink Bugs

Stink Bugs in Chimney [Exterminator Explained]

Stink Bugs in Chimney [Exterminator Explained]

I've been in the pest control business for years, and I've seen it all. Stink bugs in the chimney? Yes, it's more common than you might think. I understand the frustration and surprise homeowners feel when they discover these pesky invaders. In this article, I'll...

Stink bugs in your bathroom [3 ways to get rid of them]

Stink bugs in your bathroom [3 ways to get rid of them]

As a pest control specialist, I can't count how many times people have shared their unwelcome encounters with stink bugs in the bathroom. I understand it can be downright alarming to stumble upon these little critters in your most personal space. This is a common...

Stink bugs in bed [3 ways to get rid of them]

Stink bugs in bed [3 ways to get rid of them]

I've encountered countless homes besieged by pests, but few invaders are as unsettling as stink bugs in bed. Picture this: you've just settled in for a good night's sleep, only to find one of these tiny intruders sharing your sanctuary. Don't worry. I understand your...


Do Rats Come Out with the Lights On? [Exterminator Explains]

Do Rats Come Out with the Lights On? [Exterminator Explains]

As a pest control specialist, I've encountered countless homeowners who are plagued with misconceptions about rats and light. Many believe that these nocturnal creatures strictly avoid lit areas, but is that truly the case? In this article, we'll delve deep into the...

Do rats eat roaches [Pest Specialist Explains]

Do rats eat roaches [Pest Specialist Explains]

Welcome, curious readers! As a pest control specialist, I've encountered many unusual questions. But the one I hear quite often is, "Do rats eat roaches?" At first glance, it seems a peculiar question. But when you dive deeper into the world of these little creatures,...

Do rats eat insects [EXPERT EXPLAINS]

Do rats eat insects [EXPERT EXPLAINS]

As a pest control specialist, I understand your concern about the mysterious ways of pests, specifically rats. In this article, we're going to tackle a fascinating aspect of rat behavior: their diet, with a focus on the question, "Do rats eat insects?" This topic is...